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About Us

The Child Abuse Prevention Council was founded in 1978 and established to foster cooperative child protection efforts in Alameda County. It encourages the development and coordination of countywide children’s services that seek to enhance PROTECTIVE FACTORS including knowledge of parenting, having real and concrete supports, support in building a more positive connections between caregiver and those they care for. The Child Abuse Prevention Council does this in several ways: 

  • Promotes and supports countywide April Child Abuse Prevention Month and other events and activities throughout the year. 
  • Strong Families Alliance of Alameda County, created in 2020, is a group of currently contracted organizations that provide child abuse prevention and treatment services, including parent education, therapy, and support in connecting families to their needed resources in their community. To get connected with these services, click here. 
  • California certified virtual Mandated Reporter Training includes a focus on State and Federal reporting requirements, child abuse prevention and community supports, understanding the indicators of child abuse and neglect, and a brief overview of Dept. of Children and Family Services decision-making processes. This training is free of charge. To schedule a training, email 
  • Member of Greater Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council Coalition. 
  • With Coroner’s Bureau leadership, coordinates County Child Death Review Team comprised of professionals from Public Health, various area hospitals, law enforcement, county district attorneys and child abuse prevention specialists who review child deaths in Alameda County and seek to use that information for community education and prevention campaigns.   
  • Coordinates the Child Abuse Prevention Task Force. The task force includes parent and youth partners, community social workers, and other community members that are dedicated to community education and supporting the prevention of child abuse. The task force is included in regular community needs assessments, provides recommendations on organizations that shall be awarded Child Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Intervention (CAPIT) funding, as well as public awareness and educational funding under the CBCAP grant.  
  • Member of various community groups focusing on the welfare and well-being of children.